Sony World Photo Exhibition And Surroundings

I’m on the train back home, with some quality music in my ears an I feel like it’s the perfect time to collect some thoughts about the day that has just passed.

Earlier this morning I went to London to see the Sony World Photo Exhibition, that this weekend is showcasing the winners and the runners up of this world contest.

There are many different categories exposed, from photojournalism to commercial, from wildlife to portraits and weddings. Both professionals and young photographers are represented, all placed in the beautiful Embarkment Gallery of the Somerset House.


There are like five different entrances of this stunning building and of course I chose the one that was the most far away from the gallery! The bright side is that gave me the opportunity to tour a bit in the palace before getting to my destination.

Unfortunately inside the building and the exhibition you can’t take pictures (lucky for me I decided to left my DSLR home), so you are not going to see any picture of the inside in this page…



Ops! Yes I took two pictures with my iPhone in ninja mode (#likeaboss) because I wanted to show the atmosphere of the inside. Full of people, full of art.

In addition to the exhibition (£7.50 to enter), there is also the possibility to attend to free seminars which are held by professional photographers specialized in different fields.

I attended the Wild Bird seminar by Gustav Kiburg; the Automotive Sport presentation by Dominic Fraser; the Wildlife Photography Tales by Jamie Unwin and finally a brief presentation about Portraits and Wedding Photography by Andy Sheppard.

Each and every presentation has its own unique style giving the audience some helpful insider tips. Even if the presentations were about different topics I feel like I’ve a bunch of things that will help me with my photography!

After the last presentation I left the gallery and went outside to look for a place to have some lunch. Being at the Somerset House meant I was close to the Covent Garden Market where I direct my search.

In the South Hall I found a little but very inspiring place: The Battersea Pie Shop. I had a very lovely lunch with a traditional beef and vegetable pie with some mash potatoes and gravy sauce.


After lunch I went around the market and I saw the last potion of a sketch by a very talented street artist and I wasn’t the only one enjoying the performance!


I then headed back towards Waterloo station but first I saw other stuffs.


A random Chinese guy was about to be taken down by a Royal Guard after not “standing clear of the arch”; secondly, I’ve encountered the Cheese and Wine Festival.

Oh god…lucky for me I had only £2 in change in my pockets so I only had the chance to get three small but delicious honey coconut kisses:


And then the rest is history as they said. Back on the train to write these lines, finishing just before Guildford station.

An amazing day.

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