Backup Memory

Have you ever woke up with a song stuck in your head? A song that you know very well. You know exactly who the artist is, but for some reasons the title just doesn’t want to appear in your mind.

That is exactly how I woke up this morning. And as always is terrible, because unless I could find a way to get that title I would’ve ended up going crazy. I didn’t want to go through all the discography of Alicia Keys before finding the song I needed, so I started to enlist different technologies to come to my rescue.

I started with Shazam. But my vocal qualities were not enough to bring any result. Shazam just stared back at me with an empty look as of saying, come on man, really?! At this point I was already super frustrated because the chorus of the so kept hammering in my head, but I wasn’t any closer to a result.

Introducing Google. Yes, you know, that small search engine. I didn’t start from there because I had no idea what to type into the search box. I couldn’t remember much of the lyrics, mostly the melody of the chorus was my only point of reference. Turns out, you don’t need to know what to type. You just need something and Google will plug into your brain and get exactly the result you were looking for as you can see below.


How is it possible that simply by typing ah ah ah ah… it got the song immediately?? I know that this piece may sounds stupid. Of course Google knows everything. It’s what the media keeps telling us. We always tend to forget how of a commodity Google has become over the year and you also tend to forget how good it is, because it is always so good.

It’s when it comes to those edge cases that the small lightbulb in your brain goes off and you realise that Google really is your backup memory.

P.S. Since I’ve now found the song, I can link it for your listening pleasure.

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